Saturday, May 5, 2007

Getting ready!!!

Here I am now getting ready to prepare to go to my next MSF posting Nurslings!!! It is almost confirmed that I will be sent to Goz Beida, CHAD (80km from Sudan border). Look it up on google earth, it's there in detail. Monday we should receive the official reply from MSF. The new operational center for CHAD is in Berlin I do believe. Usually (!) the MSF'er recruit will go to the Operational center for a briefing before flying out to the final destination.
So you know I have been looking up the destination already, I have talked to some returned Chad-ers about what it is like there, and I even received a call from the Project Coordinator in CHAD.
You must know that despite the altruistic nature of these MSF missions, there is certainly a huge component of self-interest. People say that I'm brave to do this, I just say that I'm not particularly brave, but I am certainly ABLE to go and do these missions. Mostly because I have been planning my life to optimize my ability to travel with MSF. One of the MD's who had returned said that it is only as you trundle past the soldiers with their guns, grenades hanging like fruit ready to drop and RPG's that you realize truly how dangerous the situations are, and how really 'brave' or feckin' foolish you were to volunteer!!!
Anyway I'm excited and a little fearful- the fear comes from wondering are you really up to the task when faced with 100's of ill refugees with babies screaming. In my limited experience you initially feel like all the years of education in healthcare you have received fall away, and you know nothing- luckily the fact that you are there (and have no real way of escaping!) facing the crowd means you just jump in and act as if you know what you are doing...and before long you are doing what you do best to the best of your ability.

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